Oct 12, 2010

Carrots & Potatoes

Raised bed of carrots and silverbeet. Planted in July 2010.
Carrots don't need many extra nutrients but need a loose soil media where the carrots can form freely underground. I did this by forking the existing soil, turned in some straw, then added potting mix with some more straw turned into it making it aerated and fluffy.  After planting the seedlings, I topped it off with more straw.

Carrot seedlings reaching upward after 5 weeks. 
They got the morning winter sun for a few hours per day. 

Carrots forming underground after 3 months.

Potatoes planted in April - almost ready for harvest in October.
These were bought as 'seed potatoes' which are small spuds designed for planting. I planted about 10 in this wooden half-barrel. Over winter, the green shoots were higher than the first shelf.

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