Aug 26, 2011

Snow Peas, Garlic, Capsicum, Coriander, Kangaroo Paw, Mushroom Compost - Winter 2011

A mild winter in Perth caused the roses, chilli and basil to continue flowering well into the middle of winter.  

Summer climbing beans also grew and produced long sweet beans during winter. Some of these shoots made it to the top of my green wire lattice. I planted winter snow peas (in pic) at the same time and the summer beans grew faster.

Capsicum that I germinated in Spring last year produced the bulk of its crop in late Autumn/early winter. I left a few red capsicums on for weeks after they were ready and they sweetened up very well.

Rocket and Coriander grew well in situ, same as last year.  I planted ‘slow bolt coriander’ seeds in the shade and these took about 4 months to bolt to flower.  The parsnips are still growing and my eggplant came back to life and started to flower.

The Garlic and Beetroot are still growing in the same bed. After 5 months they are still not ready yet due to a lack of winter sun in my patch, but they’re getting there. I’ve topped up this bed with mushroom compost every few months.
The Kangaroo Paw planted 18 months ago has multiplied several times. I’ve cut back some ‘fans’ that blocked access to my front gate. I’m expecting several red and yellow kangaroo paw flowers this summer. 

I have fertilised with Eco-Aminogro and Eco-Cweed once or twice a month, particularly after heavy rains (I’m trialling these products instead of using Powerfeed and Seasol.)

"Eco-aminogro is based on the microbial digestion of fish wastes; the resulting product being free L-form amino acids. Free amino acids are highly plant-available and rapidly correct minor nutrient deficiencies in plants and soil"